SWNYHORMONE by Marie Haaland
New York office - 646-873-7565 / usnews@swns.com
Forty-three percent of women say hormones have negatively affected their overall well-being, according to new research.
The survey of 2,000 American women, aged 30 to 60, also found that nearly half (47 percent) have experienced the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance.
Results however suggested that many are unaware of the potential implications of hormones-sadly the vast majority (72 percent) only later understood the cause of their symptoms.
And some symptoms are easier to attribute to hormonal imbalance than others. While more than two-thirds of the respondents reported knowing that mood swings, hot flashes and weight gain are symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, less than half were aware that urinary incontinence, brain fog and even memory loss can also be symptoms.
Conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Dr. Anna Cabeca – in advance of the release of her new book, “The Hormone Fix” – the survey investigated how many women understand their hormones and the affect that a hormonal imbalance can have on their overall quality of life.
Hormones are the internal, chemical messengers that control many of our emotions and major bodily functions.
When asking about symptoms, the survey revealed that only 38 percent of women understand that memory loss can be associated with a hormonal imbalance – but almost half (47 percent) are fearful of getting dementia as they age.
Just 41 percent understood that a hormonal imbalance can contribute to brain fog.
And one-fourth (26 percent) of women have experienced embarrassing and uncomfortable urinary incontinence, but only 29 percent understand that a hormonal imbalance could be causing this symptom.
Results showed that of those who have experienced an imbalance, the average age it first occurred was when respondents were 36 years old.
These numbers are devastating,” said Dr. Anna. “There is just no reason to suffer like this because of a hormone imbalance, when there are known diet and lifestyle choices we can make to alleviate our symptoms, and even calm our fears. My life’s work is to educate and empower women to take control of their wellbeing and learn the simple techniques taught in my book to create positive change.”
When experiencing an imbalance, the remedies most-commonly sought by the women surveyed included going to the doctor (53 percent) and taking vitamins and/or supplements (48 percent), but only 35 percent understand that diet can make a big difference too.
In addition, less than half of the women surveyed (47 percent) said they feel – or felt – prepared for menopause, and 60 percent said they felt like they needed to handle it all by themselves.
“When I saw that 57 percent of women fear that they won’t be able to take care of themselves as they age, I became even more motivated to get the word out about the messages found in ‘The Hormone Fix,’” said Dr. Anna. “If we balance our hormones and follow my diet and lifestyle program – which I’m calling the Keto-Green way – we will feel better, get rid of that brain fog to succeed in all areas of our life, and even age gracefully with the mental clarity we need to care for ourselves.”